
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mack at 6 months

Mack is growing like a weed and has such a fun personality. At his 6 month appointment he weighed 16.15 pounds and was exactly 50th percentile. This is what gets us, his height was 27.5 inches and he was 75th percentile! You wouldn't believe it, but Mack weighs the same as what Oliver did at 6 months, but looks so so much skinnier, and now we know why! He is a tall little fella compared to Oliver, who never made it passed the 35th percentile as a baby for his height. Mack is a mover, he rolls and rolls and has started to scoot a little bit. It won't be long until he is on the move. He sleeps really well, 10 or so hours at night, and he has finally stopped taking 40 min cat naps and will take about 3 one to two hour naps a day. He rolls over so much in his sleep that we can't swaddle him anymore, which he still loves, so getting him down for a nap is a struggle. He is figuring out how to sit up, but is still pretty tipsy. He loves being outside as much as Oliver does and he LOVES his sippy cup. He doesn't care for baby food, he only likes finger foods that he can put in his mouth himself. He figured out how to eat cheerios and those little puffs really quick. Oliver still loves having him around but is starting to get more and more rough with him. He wants someone to wrestle with, and that day will soon come!

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