
Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Here is to another month of not updating the blog. We have just been on the go!!
Terry is harvesting wheat and cutting hay right now, that makes everything crazy. Last weekend my mom's family had a family reunion, fortunately it was at her house here in town so we were able to make it. Mack started rolling over for reals, not that one time thing at 2.5 months and then never again (he's 4 months now). Nope, he rolls and rolls and rolls. Oliver is starting speak in more sentences and fewer phrases, it's incredible how fast they learn. Terry's sister Dian and her family came up from Texas, so we've had a few get together's with Terry's family, and Oliver absolutely loves it!! Oliver was invited to a birthday party where a magical and balloon artist, do you call them 'artists'?, were there as entertainment, he came home with a bulldog balloon animal!! We took some family pictures, and bought a new-to-us swather. Yep, Terry gave up on that other one. Oh, I ran my first 5k! I pushed Oliver in a stroller and left Mack with grandma, he doesn't last longer than a mile. I ran it in 28 min without any walking. I was feeling so good about it!
Anyways, nothing to exciting, but I wrote them down for journaling purposes.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 4, 2014

We had a great 4th of July! Here is what our day looked like. Terry got up at 4am to go bale hay and irrigate (I will argue with anyone who says my husband is not a working fool!) and the boys and I went to breakfast at our church. The two wards in the building held a community breakfast and an Open House (for the community... of Letha... haha). We got a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa Jensen and Aunt Miranda! Oliver loves when we have family over. Oh yeah, did I mention Oliver gave my mom a concussion and whip lash just the day before? They collided heads. Oliver was fine, but my mom ended up in the ER! She's getting a helmet for Christmas....

We then got to go pick out which puppy Oliver wanted to take home with us. Oliver and I aren't sure if we are allowed to get one yet though, Terry keeps changing his mind. Our good friends had the most adorable little labs and are giving it to Oliver for his birthday. They are so awesome! Oliver got to play with some pretty awesome tractors while we were at the house too. Lucky boy!

 Then we went to Terry's parents house for a little BBQ and some swimming. Their pool was 92 degrees. It was perfect. We hopped over to another BBQ and chatted with some friends and watched fireworks from their amazing view. These guys know how to throw a BBQ. They had their pool open, food, fireworks, and a bounce house for the kids. Oliver was having a blast and Mack was pretty content the whole night. 

We are so grateful to live in this country and to be Americans. We are blessed to have the freedoms and rights that we do. We thank all those who have fought, are fighting, and will fight, that we might keep these freedoms, and help less fortunate in other countries, gain some as well. The cause is just! I think we take for granted all that we have and can be very ungrateful at times. We are proud Americans. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


So the month of June has been nuts. I've been slacking on updating thnblog in a serious way. To anyone who is actually reads (no one) I apologize!! Terry has been going crazy farming and with his calling, and I've been just as busy with the boys and young women's, that it seems like we haven't done much of anything but be on the go. So, a little recap of our month might go like this.

  • We rode the tractor as a family (Mack's first ride!)
  • I took pictures for two weddings, along with some bridals beforehand. 
  • Terry cut hay, and has been irrigating like crazy!
  • Every Sunday Terry wakes up at 4:30 to irrigate and make it to his church meetings by 6. I get the boys ready and head to church (speeding) and do my best to make it on time, where Terry meets me in the parking lot (some days) to help haul the boys in. I have not been late to church yet!! That was my goal when Terry first got his calling. 
  • We went in for Macks 4 month appointment, he was 14.8lbs (50%) and 26in. (75% that seems impossible for our children, but it happened)
  • I go to mutual every Wednesday, so Terry gets everything he can, done before 7 to come watch the boys. 
  • I went grocery shopping with both boys, which can be a nightmare, and last all day. Fortunately, when I go, I shop for two months worth of food. I get some seriously crazy looks at the store. 
  • We had a couple BBQ's and went to the dam with some friends. 
  • I have been training for a 5k and signed up for 2! The Push 5k, where I push the boys in a stroller, and The Color Run. My goal was to complete two this summer, they are paid for so I'm doing it!
  • We had a family get together with the Walton's, and got to see lots of cousins.
  • The boys and I went to Weiser for my friend's first ever book signing! She was great!!
  • We sold our swather! It's been for sale for awhile, but we finally sold it in an auction.
  • Terry has been battling with our current swather and is about to melt it down, out of frustration. 
  • We have been fighting with our insurance over some things that did not get filed from Mack's birth, and after a million phone calls, and numerous letters sent out, even an investigation for the Department of Insurance, things are finally being taken care of!
  • My mother in law and I, bought three truck loads of fabric from a yard sale. A headache, but we got a screaming deal in the fabric.
  • Therefore, I have started numerous sewing projects, that have turned out dang cute. I even made baby moccs.they just don't fit either of my babies haha.
  • I was able to make it to the temple with a friend, and Terry and I have plans to go next week!
  • We have a had a couple play dates with lots of other kids, and he has loved it! There are a lot of babies born within the last year. Quite a few of our friends have babies that will be in the same grade as both Mack and Oliver. How fun is that!?
  • I've been shedding hair like crazy. No one really cares about that, but it's been a big deal at our house.
  • Both of us even went home teaching and visiting teaching this month, and had ours come see us. We're getting pretty good at this stuff! 
  • Oliver has developed an incredible vocabulary lately, and we can have some pretty legit conversations now! 
  • We went to a Young Farmer and Rancher get together thing, and got completely lost in Parma. We either need to get a smartphone, or call someone who can actually give directions instead of our friend we kept calling.
  • I went to 2 bridal showers and 1 baby shower, so Terry watched the boys. 
  • We celebrated Father's Day.
  • A bird came down our stove pipe and got all the way into the stove. Oliver thought it was fantastic!
  • Terry us just now getting in and it is 9:37. 
  • I can't think of much else, so here are a few pictures for my lack of updating!

It has been a crazy month, and we finally feel like we can breath. But not for too long, it gets busy again starting tomorrow. Here is to our one day of rest! It was nice not doing anything.