
Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 4, 2014

We had a great 4th of July! Here is what our day looked like. Terry got up at 4am to go bale hay and irrigate (I will argue with anyone who says my husband is not a working fool!) and the boys and I went to breakfast at our church. The two wards in the building held a community breakfast and an Open House (for the community... of Letha... haha). We got a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa Jensen and Aunt Miranda! Oliver loves when we have family over. Oh yeah, did I mention Oliver gave my mom a concussion and whip lash just the day before? They collided heads. Oliver was fine, but my mom ended up in the ER! She's getting a helmet for Christmas....

We then got to go pick out which puppy Oliver wanted to take home with us. Oliver and I aren't sure if we are allowed to get one yet though, Terry keeps changing his mind. Our good friends had the most adorable little labs and are giving it to Oliver for his birthday. They are so awesome! Oliver got to play with some pretty awesome tractors while we were at the house too. Lucky boy!

 Then we went to Terry's parents house for a little BBQ and some swimming. Their pool was 92 degrees. It was perfect. We hopped over to another BBQ and chatted with some friends and watched fireworks from their amazing view. These guys know how to throw a BBQ. They had their pool open, food, fireworks, and a bounce house for the kids. Oliver was having a blast and Mack was pretty content the whole night. 

We are so grateful to live in this country and to be Americans. We are blessed to have the freedoms and rights that we do. We thank all those who have fought, are fighting, and will fight, that we might keep these freedoms, and help less fortunate in other countries, gain some as well. The cause is just! I think we take for granted all that we have and can be very ungrateful at times. We are proud Americans. 

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