He is here! We finally have our baby!
Mack T. Walton
8lbs. 6oz. 18.5in
3/5/14 7:26am
I will quickly give his birth story here.
39.2 weeks. The morning Mack was born. |
After 3 weeks of having contraction 2-3 minutes apart, being dialated to a 4, having my c-section date moved back 2 days, and well, being pregnant... we finally went in Wednesday morning at 5:30 to get checked in and ready for a planned c-section. My last one was an emergency cs, so we had no clue what to expect this time around. It was real simple though. We got there, they monitored the baby for 20 minutes and then we got all ready for surgery. With Oliver I had to be put under because my epidural didn't take the way it was supposed to, so this time I was given a spinal block. It was perfect. I was able to be awake for the whole process. I can't believe what I missed out on with Oliver. They rolled me back at about 7 to the operating room and they finished prepping me. The anesthesiologist was awesome, between him and Terry I got a play by play on what was going on. He didn't even strap my arms down. I reeaaalllly liked him. At 7:26am Mack was born. The incubator thing (I don't know exactly what they are called) was right next to me so I was able to see him right away. As soon as he was cleaned up a little bit, they brought him over to me so I could touch him (I wasn't allowed to hold him, obviously). I wish I had that experience with Oliver! I was able to watch the nurses finish cleaning him, and run the various tests. He scored a 9 on his Apgar Test, and after talking to the nurse who gave him the score, he was a 9.9 almost a 10 but she doesn't give 10's out very easily. I was told over and over how perfect he was. Terry was able to hold him while in the O.R. and brought him back over to me so I could get a better look.
I went back into recovery for about 30 minutes while Mack was taken and given a bath, weighed and measured. I couldn't believe he came out to be so big! I gained 2 pounds less with Mack than Oliver but Mack was the bigger baby. 8.06 is pretty big!
We had to stay two nights in the hospital. While Mack did awesome, I had a few minor complications. The first day I threw up ALL day long. I told them I couldn't handle strong pain medication and they ignored me. But that wasn't even the worst part. The second day we found out that my intestines were "paralyzed," temporarily of course. But because of that, all of the gas that my body produced from what I had eaten, was just stuck in my belly. My stomach bloated, and I was in more pain from that, than from having my stomach cut open. I will forever appreciate the ability to pass gas. Yep, I just said that. I would never wish that on anyone. That same night however, my body finally started to wake up, and we were able to be discharged the next day. Like I said, Mack did great, I was the one having all the problems.
We are so glad he is finally here. We love him so much. Even Oliver. The first day was hard, but now he is all about having a baby brother. Oliver is also potty trained now, and has continued to do well, even with bringing Mack home. We couldn't be more proud parents. We just love our boys, and are so incredibly blessed!
FYI- the T. Stands for Terry, but we didn't like the sound of Mack Terry Walton, so we just shortened it up a bit. Mack has an aunt whose middle name is also just a T!