We went in for Oliver's 18 month check up the other day! Here's a little update on him:
Weight: 24.5 lbs
Height: 31.5 in (approximately, he wouldn't hold still)
He is advanced in his vocabulary- he knows about 10 words and 4-6 is average for this age
His favorite words are: Tractor, cow, and dog
He sleeps about 12 hours through the night
Takes about a 3 hour nap once a day
Is VERY clingy right now
Hates nursery with a fiery passion
Enjoys running wild
Baby update (Oliver and I both had appointments at the same time)
My due date has been moved up a few days because I seem to have big babies (at least for my size!) and was measuring big at our ultrasound. My due date is now March 10th, so we'll go in on the 3rd for a c-section.
We've been busy getting our place ready for some upcoming changes. Oliver's "new room" just finished getting painted today, and he was very helpful. We'll put up bunk beds, and pull out his toddler bed next week. We have a new wood burning stove coming next week that we'll get installed and then we'll start our "little" remodel! We're really looking forward to the changes coming around the house within the next couple weeks!