I thought I would share some of Conrad's birth story. Nothing super crazy happened, but we did have a baby, and that can be crazy enough! I had a planned csection with him for the 12th of March. The Monday before, however, I actually had contractions for 4 hrs at 2-5 minutes apart. I'd been having frequent and regular contractions from 32ish weeks though, so it took us awhile before we finally decided to go in. We got there, they hooked me up and it appeared I was in labor! Yay! They checked me, and I was only dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced. Boo. The nurse said she thought I was still in labor though, so I held onto a little bit of hope. They checked again, and still only a 1. Darn. They wanted to keep me over night because my contractions were still fairly close and consistant, but I had them discharge me, and we went home. I had contractions for 2 days like that, but no baby! Thursday morning rolled around and we made our way to the hospital. We got there at 5:30am and they prepped me for surgery. At 7:30 they rolled me back and began surgery. We had 3 students in on our surgery- not important, just kind of fun. It was really an incredible experience this time around. Right when they were about to pull Conrad out, they lowered the drape, and I was able to watch them lift him up! He was born at 8:05am. They weighed him and cleaned him up and I was actually able to hold him while I was on the operating table. We were able to do skin on skin right there, which I had not been able to experience with the previous two boys. My doctor did the procedure different, in that she did not take my uterus out and clean it, she left it in my belly, and cleaned it from there. This was supposed to help with nausea and vomiting during recovery. My first day of recovery is usually awful! With Mack a threw up 20+ times in one day. With Conrad, I threw up maybe 5 times? I have felt so much better this time around and I am so incredibly grateful everything went so smooth. We love Conrad and are so glad he joined us and his brothers!